Dear Members,
Saturday’s meeting was another great turn-out. Thank you to all that brought a dish to pass and an item for the Raffle.
*****DATE CHANGE****
Our next meeting that is scheduled for August 14, 2021, is changed. Jill has a wedding that day. The August meeting with the Duck Race after the meeting will be on August 7, 2021, at 10:00 at Kasoag Grill & Tavern. After the Duck Race, there will be a “Hot Dog” sale at Andy Armstrong’s camp @ 1 Moose Trail. We manage to just keep moving hot dogs from camp to camp!
Unfortunately, the non-competitive boat parade scheduled for Saturday, August 7, 2021, at Lauren & Ed Googin’s will also have to be canceled for this year due to the change in the meeting date.
Our Treatment looks good on the Lake this year, First Lake was opened for Jane & Jack Dennis in order to get a kayak out from their camp. A weed mat is going to be placed in an area on 3rd Lake where there is still a good amount of Fanwort. A work party is in the near future.
We are left with a little over $9,000.00 in the KLCA account after the herbicide treatment was paid for. Although this sounds good, we need to continue to increase that amount in preparation of 2022. As of Saturday, our membership was around 64 members, last year it was 99. Please, help in the maintenance of the Lake by becoming a member.
I am looking for volunteers to go with me on Sunday, July 25, 2021, at 9:00 am to help the Williamstown Fire Department with clean-up from the Field Days. It’s that “building a bridge” concept between a small community association. They need help and I’d like our Association to step to the plate by giving them a hand. Please email me ( or leave me a message (315-283-3477) if you can make it that morning. We will meet at the Barn…
Mark & I will pick up any and all cans & bottles at the road-side on July 24th and deliver them to Bobbi’s for our KLCA Can & Bottle Drive.
Nominations for Officer’s for KLCA from our July meeting are as follows:
President-Mary Augustus
Vice President- Gordon Hyatt and Mark Augustus
Treasurer-Linda Barzee
Secretary-Lynn Belokopitsky and Veronica Longley
Election for these positions will be held at our August 7th meeting.
Respectfully, Mary Augustus-President