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Author: admin
Meeting Minutes September 9, 2023
KLCA Meeting Kasoag Lake Tavern September 9, 2023 10:00 AM Meeting started at 10:06 AM; called to order by Lynne Belokopitsky. Secretary’s report was unavailable but minutes were made

Meeting Minutes August 12, 2023
KLCA Meeting Kasoag Lake Tavern August 12, 2023 10:00 AM President Mary Augustus calls the meeting to order at 10:08 AM Summary of last month’s minutes read by Secretary Lynne
Meeting Minutes July 8, 2023
July 8, 2023 KLCA Meeting Kasoag Lake Tavern 10:00 AM Secretaries Summary presented by Lynne Belokopitsky- Motion to accept Penny Montgomery. Seconded by Jay Bergin. Treasurer’s report presented by Linda
Meeting Minutes June 10, 2023
President Mary Augustus opened the meeting at 10:08 AM at the Kasoag Lake Tavern. Minutes from May meeting summarized by Secretary Lynne Belokopitsky. Motion to accept by Denise Hartman. Seconded
Meeting Minutes May 13, 2023
First Association Meeting of 2023 Kasoag Lake Tavern May 13, 2023 10:00 AM Meeting called to order at 10:09 AM by Mary Augustus Lynne Belokopitsky summarized the minutes from
2022 CSLAP Report
2022_CSLAPreport_Kasoag Lake(0703KAS0109) Follow this link to the latest CSLAP report. Thank you to Bob Thompson, Tim Hartmann and Mary Augustus for their efforts on the water testing necessary for
2023 Lake Treatment
Here is some information about the herbicide that will be used to treat the invasive weeds in our lake in 2023. This product has the same active ingredient as Clipper,

September 10, 2022 Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 10:03 AM by President Mary Augustus at the Kasoag Lake Tavern and Grill. Summary of August meeting minutes was presented by Secretary Lynne Belokopitsky. Hard

Minutes From Meeting on August 13, 2022
Prior to the official start of the meeting, Marie Kunkel shared some photos and memories of her husband, Mike and their camp on Kasoag Lake. Meeting called to order at