- Article I: Name and Address
- Section 1: The name of the organization shall be the Kasoag Lake Conservation Association, Inc.
- Section 2: The principal offices of the organization shall be located at the legal address of the President of the Kasoag Lake Conservation Association, Inc. or such other address as may be designated by the Board of Directors of the Corporation
- Article II: Object and Purpose
- Section 1: The purposes of this organization shall be 1. to conserve, maintain and when possible, to improve the health, aesthetics and vitality of Kasoag Lake and the immediate surrounding area as both a natural and recreational resource for all users, 2. to educate users regarding lake conservation and 3. to participate in scientific studies and lake monitoring activities on Kasoag Lake such as the CSLAP program sponsored by NYS Federation of Lake Associations and the NYS Department of Conservation for the benefit of users and the public.
- Section 2: All activities of this organization shall be non-partisan, non-sectional, and non-sectarian.
- Section 3: The organization and its members shall be subject to these by-laws in so far as they prescribe and affect the functions and operations of this organization.
- Section 4: The Kasoag Lake Conservation Association recognizes that the Lake is open to public use and as such we request that all users be aware of the danger of invasive species and thoroughly clean their boats or any other recreational water craft prior to launching it at Kasoag Lake.
- Article III: Annual Membership and Dues
- Section 1: Annual Membership in the Kasoag Lake Conservation Association, Inc. entitles the member who has paid their dues for the current fiscal year to all the benefits of membership during that fiscal year including the right to vote on motions which may be brought forward regarding the functions and operations of the Association and at any election which may be held at a regular or special meeting of the membership during that fiscal year.
- Section 2: Any adult individual may apply for an annual membership by submitting a completed Membership Application, paying the annual dues and complying with these By-Laws and such policies and regulations as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors. A member’s spouse or adult life-partner residing in his/her household is also considered a member for purposes of voting and receiving the benefits of membership.
- Section 3: A member of the organization may withdraw from membership at any time. Dues paid shall not be pro-rated or returned.
- Section 4: Annual Membership shall automatically expire at the end of the fiscal year and will resume upon payment of dues for the succeeding fiscal year and continued compliance with these By-Laws and the organization’s rules, policies and regulations.
- Section 5: Honorary membership may be conferred upon such persons as may be chosen by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors.
- Section 6: Each person desiring membership in the Kasoag Lake Conservation Association, Inc. shall pay annual dues at a rate to be determined by the Board of Directors. The rate of the annual dues will be provided to members no later than April 15th to each member, either via email or at his/her mailing address of record in the Association’s membership list. The due date for paying the annual dues shall be by the 1st Membership Meeting of the fiscal year. Any person attending a meeting after the first meeting who has not paid their dues for the current fiscal year may be asked to leave the meeting at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Dues paid at any time during the fiscal year shall apply to that fiscal year and shall not be prorated. The rights, privileges and benefits of annual membership shall not be conferred until such member has paid the annual dues for that fiscal year. No dues shall be required of an honorary member.
- Article IV: Government
- Section 1: The government of the organization shall be vested in the Board of Directors who shall have control and management of the property, finances, activities, and policies of the organization.
- Section 2: The funds of the organization shall be deposited in a bank or banks in the name of the organization and shall be withdrawn only upon proper order signed by the Treasurer and/or the President. However, in the absence of either for a period of (30) thirty days or more, the Vice-President shall have the authority to sign for only one.
- Section 3: The fiscal year for membership and payment of dues shall commence on the 1st day of May and end on the last day of the following April.
- Section 4: The Board of Directors shall ensure an independent audit of the organization’s finances at least every other year and whenever the office of President or Treasurer changes hands.
- Article V: Meetings
- Section 1: One regular meeting of the membership shall be held at or within 15 miles of Kasoag Lake in May, June, July, August, and September unless any such meeting is dispensed with by a majority vote of members at a previous meeting. Only one regular meeting per fiscal year may be dispensed with. Special meetings may be called at such times as may be determined by the Board of Directors, or by petition in writing to the Secretary signed by 10% of the members of the organization. Such a petition must be given to the Secretary (14) days before the date of such meetings.
- Section 2: The bi-annual meeting of the organization shall be the meeting of each “even” numbered year other at which time elections of the officers shall be held in accordance with the procedure set forth in Article VII.
- Section 3: Notice of all meetings for the upcoming fiscal year shall be provided to members by email and posted on the message boards located at the openings of Kasoag Lake Road and Krigbaum Road, Williamstown, NY at least ten days prior to the meeting in question.
- Section 4: A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of any ten members in good standing from ten different membership households who may be present at any regular or special membership meeting.
- Section 5: The consent of all members of the Board of Directors is required to bring a vote to the membership to change the meeting place. A majority vote of the membership is required to change the meeting place.
- Article VI: Officers and Duties
- Section 1: The officers of this organization shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. All officers shall serve without compensation for a period of two years beginning immediately after their election.
- Section 2: All officers shall be elected by the members in good standing of the organization at the August meeting of the organization every second year in accordance with Article V of these By-Laws.
- Section 3: In the event of the death or resignation of the President, the Vice-President shall succeed to the office of President for the remainder of the term. A new Vice President shall be elected by secret ballot in a special election using nominations from the regular membership at the next general meeting, under New Business.
- Section 4: No Officer may serve more than two successive terms in the same office. After completing his term(s), he may be elected to serve in a different capacity or may serve as a Director, if appointed by the succeeding President.
- Section 5: The duties of the President: The President shall be the chief executive officer of this organization; he shall preside at all Membership and Board of Directors meetings. The President shall appoint the Directors. The President shall, with the Treasurer, sign all written contracts and obligations for the Association; and shall, with the consent of the Board of Directors, appoint all standing committees. The President, with the Treasurer, shall prepare the Annual Financial Report of Income and Expenditures. The President, with the Treasurer, shall prepare the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year and submit the same to the Board of Directors for review and approval.
- Section 6: The duties of the Vice-President: The Vice-President shall preside at all membership and Board of Directors meetings in the absence of the President. He shall also work with the President on such internal offices of the organization as membership, finances, and public relations.
- Section 7: The duties of the Secretary: The Secretary shall keep permanent records of the minutes of regular and special membership meetings, shall prepare the minutes of each membership meeting and provide them to members via email and by posting them on our public web page prior to the subsequent meeting, shall provide printed copies of the minutes at the subsequent meeting, shall be custodian of all official records of the organization, and shall perform such other duties as the Board of Directors shall from time to time prescribe and require.
- Section 8: The duties of the Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep an account of the monies received by the Association and deposit the same in the bank or banks designated by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall read a report of income and expenses since the last meeting at each regular membership meeting and at each Board meeting and submit each of these reports to the President in writing. The Treasurer shall assist the President in preparing a written annual financial report which shall include income, expenses and the current balance. The Treasurer shall assist the President in preparing a budget for the upcoming year and such budget shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for review and approval. The Treasurer shall prepare and submit to the proper authorities all tax reports and returns and the Treasurer shall perform such other duties as the Board of Directors shall from time to time prescribe and require.
- Section 9: The duties of the Directors: The Directors shall serve at the discretion of the President and shall advise and assist the President and other elected officers to govern and carry out the purposes of the Association. They shall each have one vote at any meeting of the Board of Directors.
- Section 10: The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and three Directors appointed by the President. A quorum of five, which must include at least three elected Officers, shall be necessary for the transaction of business by the Board of Directors.
- Section 11: A parliamentarian and/or legal counsel may be appointed by the President with the consent of the Board of Directors; these may be one and the same.
- Section 12: An Officer or Director may be removed from office for good cause by a valid petition of two-thirds of the members in good standing. Such a petition shall be brought forward at a general or special membership meeting called for that purpose.
- Section 13: An Officer or Director may be removed if convicted of any illegal activity and may be suspended during the period between arrest and acquittal or conviction at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
- Section 14: If there is an absence of an Officer or Director at three regular board meetings or three regular membership meetings during the fiscal year, that Officer or Director shall resign from his post.
- Article VII: Nomination and Election
- Section 1: At the regular July membership meeting during each even numbered year, the President shall call for nominations from the floor for the offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer and such nominations shall be recorded by the Secretary. Within 48 hours, the Secretary shall post these nominations on the Message Boards which are located at the openings of Kasoag Lake Road and Krigbaum Road. Such notice shall remain until the election at the following membership meeting.
- Section 2: All elections shall be done by secret ballot. The use of absentee ballots will be allowed. All absentee ballots will be mailed to the Secretary to be counted with those votes of the members attending the meeting.
- Section 3: At the beginning of the August meeting wherein the election is to be held, the President shall appoint an election chairman: The election Chairman shall have charge of all the details of the election and shall count the ballots and certify the results with the Secretary to the President.
- Section 4: Immediately after the election, the newly elected officers shall take office and the previous officers shall step down unless they have been re-elected, in which case they shall continue to serve for the duration of the new term.
- Section 5: Also, immediately after the election, the Directors shall step down.
- Section 6: Prior to the next Membership Meeting following his election or re-election, the President shall make reasonable effort to appoint or re-appoint, three Directors to complete the Board of Directors.
- Article VIII: Kasoag Lake Aquatic Plant Growth Control District (KLAPGCD) Administration
- Section 1: An Advisory Board for the KLAPGCD has been created by the Williamstown Town Board consisting of three advisors. Two of the Advisors will be appointed by the KLCA President (KLCA Advisors) and one advisor will be appointed by the Williamstown Town Board. The KLCA advisors will continue on the Advisory Board until they are discharged by the President or resign, without regard to term limits.
- Section 3: The KLCA board must approve the annual KLAPGCD assessment and any other KLCA Advisor recommendations prior to submission to the Williamstown Town Board.
- Section 4: All funds received from the KLAPGCD will be deposited in a dedicated bank account, and will not be co-mingled with Association Funds. All expenditures shall be limited to the specific purpose of monitoring and controlling aquatic plant growth. Allowable expenditures include, but are not limited to, liability insurance, DEC permitting fees, printing and mailing costs, Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program (CSLAP) and NYS Federation of Lake Association (NYSFOLA) dues, and herbicide application by a New York State licensed provider.
- Section 5: The Association will provide a financial report for KLAPGCD funds to the Williamstown Town Board on a quarterly basis.
- Section 6:At least one KLCA advisor will appear at any Town Board meeting where the financial report is on the agenda. At least one KLCA advisor will appear at any Town Board Meeting at the request of the Williamstown Town Board.
- Section 7: KLAPGCD funds and accounts will be included in any audit or review of Association books, accounts and records.
- Article VIII: Order of Business
- Section 1: Roberts Rules of Ordershall govern the proceedings of all general, regular, and special meetings of this organization and its constituent parts, except as provided by these by-laws.
- Section 2: The order of business at any meeting shall be determined by the President.
- Article IX: Amendments
- Section 1: The By-Laws may be amended or repealed at any time in the following manner: An amendment thereof may be proposed by the majority vote of the Board of Directors, or by petition subscribed by at least ten members in good standing and submitted to the membership at large at the next general meeting wherein there is a quorum, for the purpose of considering such amendment or amendments. A majority vote of those members present at said meeting shall be necessary for the adoption of an amendment or amendments.
- Section 2: All amendments to these by-laws must be provided to the general membership by e-mail or at each member’s address of record ten days prior to the general membership meeting wherein the amendment(s) will be considered.
- Article X: Financial Year
- Section 1: The financial year for the purposes of tax reporting and the Association’s Annual Financial Report shall commence on January 1 and end on December 31
Conservation and Education Committee
Chairperson: Vice President, Mike King
Reports to: President
Membership: As appointed by Chairperson
Key Duties & Responsibilities: The Conservation and Education Subcommittee is responsible for the identification, planning, and implementation of activities to maintain or enhance the natural beauty and recreational opportunities afforded by Kasoag Lake.
Finance Committee
Chairperson: Treasurer, Kelly Merrill
Reports to: President
Membership: As appointed by Chairperson;
Key Duties & Responsibilities: The Finance Committee is responsible for the identification, planning, and implementation of activities to raise money for the Kasoag Lake Conservation Association.
Public Relations Committee
Chairperson: Nick Belokopitsky
Reports to: President
Membership: As appointed by Chairperson
Key Duties & Responsibilities: The Public Relations Committee is responsible for the identification, planning, and implementation of activities to increase membership and public awareness and appreciation for the activities of the Kasoag Lake Conservation Association.
Kasoag Lake Aquatic Plant Growth Control District Advisory Board
KLCA Advisor: Lynne Belokopitsky
KLCA Advisor: Kelly Merrill
Williamstown Town Board Advisor: Bill Murray
KLCA Advisors are appointed by President
(updated April, 2024)