In days of old, when men were bold there lived a man of ferocious disposition. The name of Captian Kedley Kasoag struck terror into the hears of man especially if your purse has the jingle of gold in it.
Around 1747 Captain Kedley Kasoag took part in a pitched battle on Kasoag Lake and his boat, “The Leaky Tiki” was sent to the bottom by a barrage of cannon fire from the HMS Fanwort. Captain Kedley Kasoag went down with his ship and was heard to shout, “Nuts” as the ship went under. His nemesis from the HMS Fanwort, Admiral Milford has been sought by Kedley for centuries it is said. Often on cold winter nights a ships bell is heard to ring and it is alleged that Captain Kedley Kasoag is preparing his attack against Fanwort and Milfoil.
So, you can be a part of this epic battle by guessing the date and exact time Captain Kedley Kasoag breaks through the ice in the spring of 2021 as part of the Kasoag Lake Conservation Annual “Ice Out” contest.