Prior to the official start of the meeting, Marie Kunkel shared some photos and memories of her husband, Mike and their camp on Kasoag Lake.
Meeting called to order at the Kasoag Lake Tavern and Grill by President Mary Augustus at 10:15.
A summary of the Secretary’s report was presented by Secretary Lynne Belokoitsky. The July minutes included the cancellation of the corn hole tournament, the successful completion of the weed treatment, and the call for a work party for the weeds in Teresa Stevens’ home which was missed by A-tip when Luke did the treatment. Motion to accept the minutes of the July meeting was made by Andy Armstrong. Seconded by Terri Krawiec.
Treasurer’s Report was prepared by Treasurer Linda Barzee and presented by Lynne Belokopitsky. Balance at July meeting was $10,357.06. Current balance is $12,707.08. Expenditures were $368.41 and deposits totaled $2,302.75, including $696.75 from the bottle/can drive at Bobbi’s Bottle and Can Redemption. Motion to accept by Gary Knutti. Motion seconded by Denise Hartmann.
The Duck Race has been postponed until the September meeting.
We received $875 in donations in memory of Mike Kunkel. Marie Kunkel has paid our $250 rental costs of the Tavern for next year in memory of her husband. We thank Marie for honoring Mike’s memory by supporting the lake that he loved.
The Association made a $150 donation to the Williamstown Fire Department with apologies for not assisting with their Field Days this year and a thank you for their emergency response to Mike Kunkel.
The Fishing Derby will be held on Sunday, August 21 at the Tavern. Registration is from 7 AM to 9 AM. Fishing ends at noon. Hot dogs, chips and water will be provided for participants for lunch. We still need volunteers Two people in boats are needed to measure fish on the lake for intermediate and adult participants. Kids will have their pan fish weighed at the Tavern. Also, volunteers are needed for food, 50/50 raffle and clean-up. Prize table donations are needed. See Denise to volunteer or for info.
Can and bottle drive is going very well. You can continue to donate throughout the year at Bobbi’s.
The golf tournament is our big fundraiser and we need it to do well. Andy has a sign up sheet for golfers and also to sponsor a hole. Towels have been ordered. Please take a flyer to post if you can. We need gift baskets for the raffle. This year we’ll start selling 50/50 tickets at the registration table.
Lake District Committee is meeting next week. Gordon has been working on a color coded map. We’ll update the association in September.
Lake treatment – The treatment worked really well. The lake looks good except for Teresa Stevens’ cove, which did not get treated. The work party last Sunday pulled hundreds of pounds of weeds from her cove. Mark ensure that Luke does not overlook the cove next year.
We will continue to look for grants. There is a grant-writer on the lake, but the trick is to find a grant we qualify for.
In 2013 we paid $3500 for a Lake Study, required by DEC to obtain the permit for the lake treatment. We need to get an estimate of the cost so we can be prepared to do again. Being proactive in obtaining a new lake study will prevent delays in our treat when DEC inevitably asks for a new one. In addition, the lake study will help us take the best possible care of our lake.
The C-Slap results for 2021 have been received and posted on the website.
Teresa Stevens is raffling off a hand-crafted afgan to raise funds for lake treatment.
Mary opened the floor to members for suggestions and feedback:
- Roger Longley suggested that we hold a second members-only golf tournament earlier at in the year at a local golf course. Roger will work with Andy to organize it.
- Teresa suggested that since we no longer do the ice-out fundraiser, we come up with a new idea for a winter fundraiser. Perhaps a cardboard sled race down the boat ramp? She’ll reach out to Jill and see what they can come up with.
- The Christmas apparel sale on Facebook raised money last year. We’ll do it again. People suggested adding a winter hat to the inventory.
- Tad – any chance we’ll get another NYS grant? Is Barkley still involved? Mark and Mary responded that it’s unlikely we’ll get that grant again. We’ll continue to try for that grant and any others that we find. Barkley didn’t get his permit this year. The process is complicated.
The meeting ended at 10:5
Minutes approved on 09/10/2022. Motion to accept minutes was made by Harry Tuttle, seconded by Ed Googin.